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I am thrilled that you are visiting this site.
Currently, a new site is under construction. I look forward to sharing my passion for oils with you! Watch for the new look soon.
Meaning Golden Eagle. The eagle conveys the powers and messages from the Creator; it is our connection to the Universe because the eagle flies higher than any other bird. The eagle bestows freedom and courage to look ahead.
It is our philosophy to persevere and keep moving forward while being grateful for all the Creator has bestowed upon us all in the present.
Capturing the spirit is everything! Everything is Spirit around us. As an oil painter, it is always the spirit that I explore to find its strength and see the transformation of the soul. It is my inspiration.
Hi, I'm Connor and I began oil painting in the late 1980's when my late mom gave me a starter kit because she was tired of the black and white pencil drawings. Painting landscapes and waterscapes on-site, then donating those paintings for fundraisers and give-a-ways led to special requests, art shows and workshops.
Discovering my First Nation roots and listening to the Creator as the ancestors speak though each painting my work has evolved. Find the subtleties of faces and animals that show up unintentionally in every painting.
I still paint plein air or in my studio at every opportunity. My passion to create lies down many avenues from my formal training in Graphic Communications, Copywriting and Business.
Check out my "Art Gallery" to see a few paintings. My work is all original oil painting with the odd acrylic. I've painted from peoples dream descriptions, specific animals to what the canvas wishes to become.
Miigwech for visiting,
I look forward to seeing you on the inside :)
I have been developing an online, introductory art class. Stay Tuned for the launch.
Check out this great time-lapse video
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